Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Sarangheyo!!~ (9/9/09)*ain't it awesome??*

Dear me,

Guess what!!~ It's 999999 DAY!!~ And also, it's the end of ALL the biology papers as well as the dreaded additional mathematics paper 2 (DAMMIT i still have paper 1!!). And since i cant find any negatives for today (except the fact that I have a potential fail in add maths and bio) i think i should be celebrating for the day. Why not right?? So basically i have, well almost sloth-ed around for the whole day. Studying NOTHING but a teeny bit of history and additional maths questions.

Anyway, time for today's events!!~

At approximately 0730 hours, in class room 5A9, three (insane) girls, specifically in alphabetical order Alexandra Lee Wei Lin, Arulselvi Francis Jacob and Chermaine Low Hui Ting, sat together and formed a 'study' group before the biology paper 1 examination. The the three that was indeed studying at moment was also joking around when one subject, Arulselvi Francis Jacob, asked a simple and plain yet silly question to the other two subjects.

The Question:
What would your name sound like if it was a combination of your parents' name?
The Answers:
Alexandra - Micbeth
Arulselvi - Fannie
Chermaine - Dorfred

I have the nerdiest name among all!!
teehee!!~ XD

The next even happened shortly after. 2 of the subjects, subject 1 and subject 2 (all subjects wish to remain anonymous) started to talk about Japanese food when subject 1 of took out a Japanese snack for a snack. Subject 3 heard wrongly when subject 1 said,
"I like to eat Japanese food!!~"
Never did subject three thought that her misconception would change all of their lives when eating Japanese food. The following was what subject 3 heard,
"I like to eat penis food!!~"
It was only moments later when subject 3 realized about the misconception. And so the three laughed away until the exam started.

After today eating sushi will never be the same again... Remember kids!!~ penis rhymes with Japanese!!~ Toodles!!~ Sarangheyo!!~

*exam updates*
+7 days down 6 more to go!!+

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